April 2-6, 2025 - Claresholm Agriplex - Claresholm, Alberta

Producer: David Benard

Manager: Shawna Husted

Secretary: Julie Koppes

Secretary Assistant: Marilyn Smith

Announcer: Ron Anderson

Judge: Travis Smith - Nova Scotia

Scribe: Nancy Thiessen

Video: Xibition TV

Photos: Xibition Media

Gate: Janet Stephen

Camping and Prizes: Sue Strelioff

The EquinoX Trans 180.png

NRHA ReinerSuite

Please use NRHA ReinerSuite to view all details about our events and to manage your NRHA Membership and Competition Licenses for your horses.

Partner Hotel

Best Seven Inn - Andy Song

Phone: 403-625-3347

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.BESTSEVENINN.com

© Copyright The Xibition Inc 2025